Where are those darn chocolates at?

Have you ever been tempted to grab the box of chocolates and hide out in the bathroom until bedtime?

You've been there too haven't you, momma? Sitting in the middle of your floor, surrounded by baskets of laundry begging to be folded. And it’s not like this laundry is fresh out of the dryer. No, ma’am. Those baskets have been sitting there for five days straight, mocking you.

You look over to see your dirty dishes piling out of the sink. Your oldest child sits at the table impatiently waiting for you to help her with school work. Next to you sits your youngest child, begging you to play a game with her, laying the guilt trip on strong.

You glance at the refrigerator and remember you forgot to plan something for dinner.

It’s almost 5 o’clock and bedtime feels too far away.

Chaos. It’s all you feel. Where is peace? Is creating a peaceful home even a reality anymore?

It can be! I can help you create the peaceful home you desire for your family. As a subscriber bonus, when you sign up I will send you my free mindfulness planner. It comes with 50 free pages. You can start planning your peaceful nest today, so you have time for those darn chocolates!

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